I have a Windows-Forms Application that I configured to use with an ASP.NET Service that is an Authentication service using a custom MembershipProvider.
When I call Membership.CreateUser in the Windows Application a NotSupportedException is thrown telling: "Specified method is not supported.".
I tried creating a web page in the website and test the MembershipProvider, everything works just fine when woeking from within the website.
Any ideas or link for how to use custom (not SqlMembershipProvider) MembershipProvider will be really appreciated!
Edit: The method ValidateUser does work. The overriden CreateUser doesn't work I tried Override Sub CreateUser(.......) As MembershipUser Return New User() End Sub But I still get the same excetption as before.
Client Application Services doesn't support CreateUser method.
Here is CreateUser method source code from ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider :
public override MembershipUser CreateUser
string username,
string password,
string email,
string passwordQuestion,
string passwordAnswer,
bool isApproved,
object providerUserKey,
out MembershipCreateStatus status
throw new NotSupportedException();