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The field must be a number. How to change this message to another language?

How can I change that messages for all int fields so that instead of saying:

The field must be a number in English, it shows:

El campo tiene que ser numerico in Spanish.

Is there are a way?


  • If you happen to be using ASP.NET MVC 4 onwards, check this post:

    Localizing Default Error Messages in ASP.NET MVC and WebForms

    Basically you have to add the following piece of code in your Application_Start() method in Global.asax:

     ClientDataTypeModelValidatorProvider.ResourceClassKey = "Messages";
     DefaultModelBinder.ResourceClassKey = "Messages";

    Right click your ASP.NET MVC project in Solution Explorer inside Visual Studio and select Add => Add ASP.NET Folder => App_GlobalResources.

    Now add a .resx file inside this folder called Messages.resx.

    Finally add the following string resources in that .resx file:

    Name                   Value
    ====                   =====
    FieldMustBeDate        The field {0} must be a date.
    FieldMustBeNumeric     The field {0} must be a number.
    PropertyValueInvalid   The value '{0}' is not valid for {1}.
    PropertyValueRequired  A value is required.

    You should be good to go.

    Note that the value you're interested in is the FieldMustBeNumeric. To localize it to Spanish, you have to add another resource file named In this specific .resx file replace the resource value with:

    Name                Value
    ====                =====
    FieldMustBeNumeric  El campo {0} tiene que ser numerico.

    If you happen to be using ASP.NET MVC 3 downwards, this solution can help you achieve the same result: