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Fast Export of Large Datatable to Excel Spreadsheet in VB.Net

I have an interesting conundrum here, how do I quickly (under 1 minute) export a large datatable (filled from SQL, 35,000 rows) into an Excel spreadsheet for users. I have code in place that can handle the export, and while nothing is "wrong" with the code per se, it is infuriatingly slow taking 4 minutes to export the entire file (sometimes longer if a user has less RAM or is running more on their system). Sadly, this is an improvement over the 10+ minutes it used to take using our old method. Simply put, can this be made any faster, without using 3rd party components? If so, how? My code is as follows, the slow down occurs between messageboxes 6 and 7 where each row is written. Thank you all for taking the time to take a look at this:

    Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnJeffTest.Click
    End Sub

Private Sub Test(ByVal SQL As String)
    'Declare variables used to execute the VUE Export stored procedure
    MsgBox("start stop watch")
    Dim ConnectionString As New SqlConnection(CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnString"), String))
    Dim cmdSP As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
    Dim MyParam As New SqlClient.SqlParameter
    Dim MyDataAdapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    Dim ExportDataSet As New DataTable
    Dim FilePath As String

    MsgBox("stop 1 - end of declare")


        ' open the connection

        ' Use the connection for this sql command
        cmdSP.Connection = ConnectionString

        'set this command as a stored procedure command
        cmdSP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

        'get the stored procedure name and plug it in
        cmdSP.CommandText = SQL

        'Add the Start Date parameter if required
        Select Case StDt
            Case Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = 0
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtStartDate.Text
        End Select
        MsgBox("stop 2 - sql ready")
        'Add the End Date parameter if required
        Select Case EdDt
            Case Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = 0
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value

                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add("@EndDate", SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtEndDate.Text
        End Select

        'Add the single parameter 1 parameter if required
        Select Case SPar1
            Case Is = Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = ""
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add(SPar1, SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtSingleReportCrt1.Text
        End Select

        'Add the single parameter 2 parameter if required
        Select Case Spar2
            Case Is = Nothing
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Is = ""
                ' there's no parameter to add
            Case Else
                'add the parameter name, it's direction and its value
                MyParam = cmdSP.Parameters.Add(Spar2, SqlDbType.VarChar)
                MyParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
                MyParam.Value = Me.txtSingleReportCrt2.Text
        End Select

        MsgBox("stop 3 - params ready")

        'Prepare the data adapter with the selected command 
        MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdSP

        ' Set the accept changes during fill to false for the NYPDA export
        MyDataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill = False

        'Fill the Dataset tables (Table 0 = Exam Eligibilities, Table 1  = Candidates Demographics)

        'Close the connection

        'refresh the destination path in case they changed it
        SPDestination = txtPDFDestination.Text

        MsgBox("stop 4 - procedure ran, datatable filled")

        Select Case ExcelFile
            Case True

                FilePath = SPDestination & lblReportName.Text & ".xls"

                Dim _excel As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
                Dim wBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
                Dim wSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

                wBook = _excel.Workbooks.Add()
                wSheet = wBook.ActiveSheet()

                Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable = ExportDataSet
                Dim dc As System.Data.DataColumn
                Dim dr As System.Data.DataRow
                Dim colIndex As Integer = 0
                Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0

                MsgBox("stop 5 - excel stuff declared")

                For Each dc In dt.Columns
                    colIndex = colIndex + 1
                    _excel.Cells(1, colIndex) = dc.ColumnName

                MsgBox("stop 6 - Header written")

                For Each dr In dt.Rows
                    rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
                    colIndex = 0
                    For Each dc In dt.Columns
                        colIndex = colIndex + 1
                        _excel.Cells(rowIndex + 1, colIndex) = dr(dc.ColumnName)

                MsgBox("stop 7 - rows written")


                MsgBox("stop 8 - autofit complete")

                Dim strFileName = SPDestination & lblReportName.Text & ".xls"

                If System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName) Then
                End If

                MsgBox("stop 9 - file checked")

        End Select

        MsgBox("File " & lblReportName.Text & " Exported Successfully!")

        'Dispose of unneeded objects
        StDt = Nothing
        EdDt = Nothing
        SPar1 = Nothing
        Spar2 = Nothing
        MyParam = Nothing
        cmdSP = Nothing
        MyDataAdapter = Nothing
        ExportDataSet = Nothing

    Catch ex As Exception
        '  Something went terribly wrong.  Warn user.
        MessageBox.Show("Error: " & ex.Message, "Stored Procedure Running Process ", _
       MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

        'close the connection in case is still open
        If Not ConnectionString.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
            ConnectionString = Nothing
        End If

        ' reset the fields

    End Try
End Sub


  • As when using VBA to automate Excel, you can assign an array directly to the value of a Range object: this is done as a single operation, so you remove the overhead associated with making multiple calls across the process boundaries between your .Net code and the Excel instance.

    Eg, see the accepted answer here: Write Array to Excel Range