I have integrated FB comment box here: http://slotenis.si/tenis-igrisce.asp
But it is now working. The thing is, that I show tennis courts by ID, for example:
I retreive lid from the database in classic ASP variable LocationID.
For this reason, I have integrated the FB comment box with the followin code:
div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:comments xid="<%=LocationID%>" href="http://www.slotenis.si/tenis-igrisce.asp" num_posts="10" width="630"></fb:comments>
When I try to post a comment, it takes some time, but nothing happens.
Help please.
Solved. I had an error in domain name, tennis.si instead of tenis.si. What a stupid mistake.