I'm using the object_list
generic view to quickly list a set of Articles. Each Article has comments attached to it. The query uses an annotation to Count()
the number of comments and then order_by()
that annotated number.
'queryset': Article.objects.annotate(comment_count=Count('comments')).order_by('-comment_count'),
The comments are part of the django.contrib.comments
framework and are attached to the model via a Generic Relationship. I've added an explicit reverse lookup to my Article model:
class Article(models.Models):
comments = generic.GenericRelation(Comment, content_type_field='content_type', object_id_field='object_pk')
The problem is, this counts "inactive" comments; ones that have is_public=False
or is_removed=True
. How can I exclude any inactive comments from being counted?
The documentation for aggregations explains how to do this. You need to use a filter
clause, making sure you put it after the annotate
comment__is_public=True, comment__is_removed=False