I've got the following:
package_info = __import__('app') #app.py
print traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[-1])
print traceback.tb_lineno(sys.exc_info()[-1])
And what i get from this is:
[('test.py', 18, '<module>', 'package_info = __import__(\'app\')')]
Now this is almost what i want, this is where the actual error begins but i need to follow this through and get the actual infection, that is app.py
containing an ä
on row 17 not 18 for instance.
Here's my actual error message if untreated:
Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file C:\app.py on line 17, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details", ('C:\app.py', 17, 0, None)), )
I've found some examples but all of them show the point of impact and not the actual cause to the problem, how to go about this (pref Python2 and Python3 cross-support but Python2 is more important in this scenario) to get the filename, row and cause of the problem in a similar manner to the tuple above?
Catch the specific exception and see what information it has. The message is formatted from the exception object's parameters so its a good bet that its there. In this case, SyntaxError includes a filename attribute.
package_info = __import__('app') #app.py
except SyntaxError, e:
print traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[-1])
print traceback.tb_lineno(sys.exc_info()[-1])
print e.filename