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SlidingMenu Build Error

I have imported the jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu to my workspace using git but it shows lot of error I tried to clean the project it shows the following error

Errors occurred during the build.Errors running builder 'Android Resource Manager' on project ''.java.lang.NullPointerException

I'm really frusted with this error I tried to delete all the projects on workspace still it's not working, and Also tried to import it from a zip showing the same error


  • When I imported using git in eclipse it tried to import the master branch, but that had a sub-folder of the same name which was not a project itself, but contained projects inside of it. So when I had it all imported, it was an Android Project that was really 3 projects smushed together into the same directory, so everything was messed up in the build.

    So instead I downloaded the zip, and extracted the contents and went to File>> Import>> Android/Exisiting Android Code Into Workspace. I selected the folder at */SlidingMenu-master/SlidingMenu-master. This inner folder of the same name then had 3 projects: library, com.menorking.Android, and ExampleListActivity.

    Without selecting the sub folder, I just got 1 messed up project of the name com.menorking.Android.

    The GitHub page for SlidingMenu has assurances that git is the way to go for importing the project, but I am not git savvy enough to know how to do that.

    Hope this helps!