I don't want to hardwire the class name and use the instanceOf
but dynamically identifying the class
Lets say I have
// add fragments
mFragments = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
mFragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, class1.class.getName()));
mFragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, class2.class.getName()));
public class class1 extends SherlockListFragment{
public static final String TAG = "class1";
All classes have the extends
SherlockActivity or SherlockListFragment so they have a common base class Fragment
. How can I now when iterating trough the array get e.g. the static
tag or something else that will identify the Class
without using instanceOf
. I have some ides but wanted to get some input so I can learn
public static final String TAG = "class1"
Add a method in the base class which returns the tag. Then iterate over your structure and get the tag for each subtype.
public class SherlockListFragment{
public String getTag(){
return TAG;
You don't need to determine the exact subtype of class. Any time you start encountering odd problems like this, I'd suggest reworking design first rather than finding a work around.