I am using CCRC. I have a text file with list of codes for which a label has to be applied.
Can some pleae suggest me a command to label all the files mentioned in the text file.
Here I want to apply label only on selected files with in a folder and and not all the files with in the folder.
Is there any command to sort this out where we we can pass the a text file with code list as input and apply label.
You need to use rcleartool (the API for CCRC 7.x or ClearTeam 8.x.
See if mklabel
is available through rcleartool: its man page does mention "ClearCase Remote Client rcleartool subcommand"
ClearCase Remote Client: attach label to specified versions
mklabel [ -rep/lace ] [ -r/ecurse ] [ -fol/low ]
[ -silent ] [ -ver/sion version-selector ]
[ -c/omment comment | -cq/uery | -nc/omment ]
label-type-selector pname ...
You could use mklabel
to apply a label type (already existing in your vob) to a specific file.
You can then loop on all the files to apply said label.