I have these tables and data..
(id, name, current_department_id)
1, "John", 1
2, "Matt", 1
(id, name)
1, "Sales"
2, "Support"
(id, name)
1, "Sales Exac"
2, "Sales Manager"
3, "Support Exec"
(department_id, staff_id, start_year, end_year, designation_id)
1, 1, 2005, 2006, 1
1, 1, 2007, 2008, 2
2, 2, 2007, 2008, 3
Now, I want to list all staff with their current designation/department.
I use this syntax
SELECT Name=s.name,
JSTART=ds.start_year, JEND=ds.end_year,
Designation=j.name FROM
staff s
LEFT JOIN department d ON d.id = s.current_department_id
LEFT JOIN department_staff ds ON ds.staff_id = s.id
LEFT JOIN designation j ON j.id = ds.designation_id
But the result shows all John's work history. I just want the latest job for John and everybody else. This statement produced the same result as above
SELECT Name=s.name,
JSTART=ds.start_year, JEND=ds.end_year,
Designation=j.name FROM
FROM department_staff ds
LEFT JOIN department d ON d.id = ds.department_id
LEFT JOIN staff s ON s.id = ds.staff_id
LEFT JOIN designation ON j.id = ds.designation_id
//Side note: After writing to this point, it seems that I do not need to store current_department_id in table staff because I can get that in table department_staff.
I repeat my question: How do I list my staff with their latest job designation and department?
Thank you for your time.
SELECT b.name "Name",
c.name "Department",
start_year "JSTART",
end_year "JEND",
d.name "Designation"
FROM dep_staff a,
staff b,
dep c,
desig d
WHERE start_year =
SELECT MAX(start_year)
FROM dep_staff e
WHERE a.staff_id=e.staff_id
AND start_year < end_year
AND start_year < end_year
AND a.dep_id = c.id
AND a.staff_id = b.id
AND a.desig_id = d.id