I'm wondering if there is a way to perform the following, I'm aware that to set say the translation of an object, in pymel it's as simple as this:
and you can also set this using the 'setAttr' command:
setAttr(object + '.translateX', 1.5)
or setAttr('%s.translateX' % object, 1.5)
However, what If I only wanted to use the first example with something a little more advanced where the attribute name would change?
I'd much rather write something like this:
for i in range(0,5,1):
t = ['translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ']
However this obviously doesn't work, but can someone tell me if there's a way to do this?
Now, I do not know pymel or anything related to Maya, but if object.translateX.set(1.5)
works, then I think the access works like normal object attribute access, so you can get an attribute by name using the getattr(object, attrname[, default_value])
BTW range(0, 5, 1)
is the same as range(5)
; and means a list [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]; your list has 6 elements so you'd need range(6)
to iterate over it - but as for loop can iterate over any iterable, you should just iterate over your attribute names. Thus:
attributes = ['translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ',
'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ']
for a in attributes:
getattr(object, a).set(1.5)
should do what you wanted.
Update: pymel seems to also support .attr()
for objects, thus
for a in attributes: