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Python user input replay

How can I get the last raw_input? My py asks questions(raw_input) and if user types wrong asks the same again and user needs to type all over again, so how can I get last input to make de user just edit it??(like a shell pressing key-up)


  • You are looking for the readline module. Here's an example from

    # File:
    class Completer:
        def __init__(self, words):
            self.words = words
            self.prefix = None
        def complete(self, prefix, index):
            if prefix != self.prefix:
                # we have a new prefix!
                # find all words that start with this prefix
                self.matching_words = [
                    w for w in self.words if w.startswith(prefix)
                self.prefix = prefix
                return self.matching_words[index]
            except IndexError:
                return None
    import readline
    # a set of more or less interesting words
    words = "perl", "pyjamas", "python", "pythagoras"
    completer = Completer(words)
    readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    # try it out!
    while 1:
        print repr(raw_input(">>> "))