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Using Object.DefineProperty and accessing a variable in private scope

The following doesn't work, from my getter, I can't see _nickname defined in the 'class' Person.

var Person = function (args) {

    var _nickname = '';
    if (args === undefined || args === null) {
    if (args.nickname !== undefined && args.nickname !== null) {
        _nickname = args.nickname;


Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, "nickname", {
    get : function () {
        return _nickname;

var x = new Person({
        nickname : 'bob'


How should one go about accomplishing this? Is there a way of adding _nickname to the prototype of Person from within its function?


  • Is there a way of adding _nickname to the prototype of Person from within its function?

    If you mean the Person constructor, sure (although in my opinion it doesn't look very elegant):

    var Person = function (args) {
        var _nickname = '';
        if (args === undefined || args === null) {
        if (args.nickname !== undefined && args.nickname !== null) {
            _nickname = args.nickname;
        Object.defineProperty(this, "nickname", {
            get : function () {
                return _nickname;
    var x = new Person({
        nickname : 'bob'

    In this case, your getter is just another closure, so it has access to _nickname. And it's not on the prototype anymore, you need an own property to accomplish that.