I have an object called Page, with an instance called p that has a custom property called AssociatedAttributes. If I do the following:
int numMatchingAttributes = p.AssociatedAttributes.Intersect( p.AssociatedAttributes ).Distinct( ).Count( );
numMatchingAttributes ends up equaling 0 even though p has 6 AssociatedAttributes. Why does it not equal 6?
is of Type List<Attribute>
is my own class, not System.Attribute
) and Attribute
implements IComparable<Attribute>
, I did not have it implement IEquatable
, should I?
This is the implementation of CompareTo
in Attribute:
public int CompareTo(Attribute other)
return Id.CompareTo(other.Id);
is of type Guid
this is the AssociatedAttributes property on Page:
public List<Attribute> AssociatedAttributes
List<Attribute> list = new List<Attribute>( );
using (
PredictiveRecommendor dbContext =
new PredictiveRecommendor()){
if ( dbContext != null )
IQueryable<Attribute> query = from a in dbContext.PageAttributes
where a.Page.Id.Equals(this.Id)
select a.Attribute;
list = query.ToList();
return list;
(dbContext is a Telerik OpenAccess context)
Update: Here is what ended up working: In Page is the following method:
public int numberOfIntersectedAssociatedAttributes ( Page other )
using ( PredictiveRecommendor dbContext = new PredictiveRecommendor( ) )
IQueryable<Attribute> thisAssocAttributes = from a in dbContext.PageAttributes
where a.Page.Id.Equals( this.Id )
select a.Attribute;
IQueryable<Attribute> otherAssocAttributes = from a in dbContext.PageAttributes
where a.Page.Id.Equals( other.Id )
select a.Attribute;
IQueryable<Attribute> interSection = thisAssocAttributes.Intersect( otherAssocAttributes );
return interSection.ToList( ).Count;
It's ugly, but it works.
Consider the following implementation of Page
public class Page
public List<Attribute> AssociatedAttributes
return new List<Attribute>() {
new Attribute { Value = "a" },
new Attribute { Value = "b" },
new Attribute { Value = "c" },
Here the AssociatedAttributes
property is returning a different list each time AssociatedAttributes
is called. Additionally, the actual items in the list are constructed each time the property is called, it's not just returning references to the same exact Attribute
objects. Since Attribute
(I assume) does not override Equals
or GetHashCode
, it will use the default object
implementation, which considers objects equal if and only if they are referencing the same object. Since the objects in your two lists aren't referencing the same objects, none of them are equal to each other, even though they may have the same values internally.
The fact that Attribute
implements IComparable
is irrelivant.
There are several possible things that could be done to change the behavior:
Rather than constructing new objects in the property getter, return references to the same actual objects. This would likely mean having a private backing field for the property, constructing the objects once, and then returning references to the same list.
Override Equals
and GetHashCode
in Attribute
to be dependent on its values, rather than its reference. Convention would dictate that you only do this if the object is immutable, as dealing with objects that have mutating GetHashCode
values is...difficult. You could implement IEquatable
in addition to doing this, if you wanted, to provide a statically typed Equals
method. Note that it's vital to override GetHashCode
if you implement IEquatable
, if you still want it to be useful.
Create a new object that implements IEqualityComparer<Attribute>
. This would be an object external to Attribute
that knows how to compare them for equality based on something other than the Equals
and GetHashCode
implementation of the object itself. Provide an instance of such a type to Intersect
and Distinct
. (They each have overloads for custom equality comparers.)