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Gigya Share bar Customization - buttonWithCountTemplate

I have asked a question regarding customizing the share bar especially providers facebook-like and google-plusone ( But no answers so far. I was wondering if it can be done using buttonWithCountTemplate. I want to set the icons for facebook-like and google-plusone in sharebar using buttonWithCountTemplate. But there seems to be no example code that shows buttonWithCountTemplate usage. Can anyone provide the example usage of buttonWithCountTemplate in Gigya Share Bar Customization.


  • The template is a string value which you can use the following placeholders in: $iconImg, $text, $onClick, $count.

    You would add the parameter like so:

    buttonWithCountTemplate: '<div class="sBtnWrap"><a href="#" onclick="$onClick"><div class="sBtn">$text<img src="$iconImg" /></div><div class="sCountBox">$count</div></a></div>'

    Unfortunately it seems you can not control the styling of all the providers like facebook like or any of the goole providers. If you change facebook-like to just facebook as the provider it will be styleable.