XMLport objects in NAV appear to support table attributes (i.e. Node Type = Attribute, Source Type = Table). However, when I try to save an XMLport containing a table attribute node in NAV 2013, I get this error message:
The SourceType Table for Tag <MyTableAttribute> can only be assigned to TagType Element.
This (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh165612(v=nav.70).aspx) page on MSDN seems to confirm that table attributes can be used. What purpose would a table attribute serve? What would be an example of a typical application of table attributes?
Table (record) cannot be source for attribute. Because record is a set of fields, i.e. it has multiple values, when attribute must have concrete single value. A field can be used as source for attribute of element. And record must be source for the element. That is what error message says.