i have a table in a oracle database in which one of the field is a clob field. the clob field is having several xml file. now if i want to export that xml file into a text file on unix how do i do it?
NOTE: i dont have any gui like toad installed for the server and i have to only use the unix environment for it. could you please tell me how to do it?
Assuming the machine you want the file on is not the database server itself, you should probably write a program to do this. In Perl, for example, it's quite simple:
use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:tnsname','user','password',{RaiseError=>1});
my $txt = ($db->selectrow_array('select my_clob_col from my table where ...'))[0];
open my $fh, '>out.txt' or die $!;
print $fh $txt;
close $fh;
Crude but it will work for simple cases. The point is that in any modern database client API, fetching a CLOB will automatically return you a string value which you can then do what you want with.