We have 200+ views in Oracle that should be transfomed to 200+ flat files with fixed length fields.
Hoping to get ideas to do a better design of the following migration routine.
The prototype of migration program looks like this for the view named VIEWNAME1 (and are the same for other views in the prototype):
StronglyTypedDataSet views = new StronglyTypedDataSet();
ViewName1TableAdapter tableAdapter = new ViewName1TableAdapter();
tableAdapter.Fill(views.VIEWNAME1 );
Currently we are using ODT (Oracle Developer Tools) for .Net with c#.
The mapping routine for each view:
private void mapFromViewToFlatFile(DataTable table)
StringBuilder format = BuildFormat();
StringBuilder outBuf = new StringBuilder();
foreach (views.VIEWNAME1Row row in table.Rows)
OneRow(outBuf, format, row);
SerializeToFile(outBuf, FILENAME);
private void OneRow(StringBuilder outBuf, StringBuilder format,views.VIEWNAME1Row row)
row.IsCOLUMNNAME2Null() ? string.Empty : row.COLUMNNAME2.Trim()
private StringBuilder BuildFormat()
StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder();
return format;
After writing the
10th private OneRow() function
and 10th private BuildFormat() function (one for each view in Oracle, the code smells).
And I know this can be done better and faster that would enable easier setup of new views, and handles changes easier.
Any suggestions are welcome.
If the fixed lengths of the columns in the table match the lengths in the file, then you can generically query the user_tab_columns
to see the column sizes. Then you could build your format automatically from the database metadata.