I am using 'tee' command to redirect the log of my shell program into a file.
My requirement is to append the current date and time with the file name.
sh sample.sh | tee logfile_$date.txt #sample command
Output Log File:
logfile_2013-08-22-14.txt #yyyy-mm-dd-hh format
How can i achieve it ?
Since date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H'
returns a date of the type 2013-08-21-10
(year-month-day-hour), you can use the following:
sh sample.sh | tee logfile_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H').txt
For example, let's print hello
and also store it in a file:
$ echo "hello" | tee logfile_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H').txt
$ ls logfile_*
As you see, a file with the name logfile_2013-08-21-10.txt
has been created at the same time that the string appeared in the screen.