I need to generate the following output :
<x:Envelope xmlns:x='namespace1'>
<x:Root xmlns="namespace2">
I'm having trouble generating the default namespace for the x:Root element using xslt 1.0. I can get it to have no namespace ( but namespace2 will be specified on children of root - undesired behaviour ) or have it with a prefix :
<x:Root xmlns:x="namespace2">
but this fails schema validation. Any ideas ?
Edit : sorry for the ambiguous question and thanks for the answers. Root should be in namespace1 and Header should be in namespace2. However, the request is that namespace2 should not be declared in Header, but at Root level.
It depends on how much of this is known statically. If you know everything statically, the literal result element
<x:Root xmlns="namespace2">..</x:Root>
will generate exactly what you want. In the more general case, you need to construct an element containing the required namespace node and then copy the namespace node:
<xsl:param name="ns">namespace2</xsl:param>
<xsl:variable name="temp">
<xsl:element name="dummy" namespace="{$ns}"/>
<xsl:element name="Root">
<xsl:copy-of select="xx:node-set($temp)/namespace::*"/>
All so much easier in XSLT 2.0 with the xsl:namespace instruction.