I have a question of an annoying fact. I'm using libsvm with matlab and I'am able to predict using:
predicted_label = svmpredict(Ylabel, Xlabel, model);
but it happen that every time I make a predictions appears this:
Accuracy = X% (y/n) (classification)
Which I find annoying because I am repeating this procedure a lot of times and also makes it slow because its displaying in screen.
I think what I want is to avoid that svmpredict being verbose.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
If you are using matlab, just find the line of code that is displaying this information (usually using 'disp', 'sprintf', or 'fprintf') and comment it out using the commenting operator %.
disp(['Accuracy= ' num2str(x)]);
change it to:
% disp(['Accuracy= ' num2str(x)]);
If you are using the main libsvm library then you need to modify it before making. 1- Open the file 'svmpredict.c'
2- find this line of code:
info("Accuracy = %g%% (%d/%d) (classification)\n",
3- just comment it out using // operator
4- save and close the file
5- make the project