In TYPO3 ver. 4.x we used to include additional configuration file for overwriting some settings (ie. DB credentials) by adding the include statement at the end of the localconf.php
Thanks to this trick it is possible for an example keep separate database settings or IM paths individual for each developer as we can just ignore our 'local' files from the git repository.
Unfortunately in TYPO3 ver. 6.x that approach requires manual changes of the LocalConfiguration.php
to overwrite the values before the return
statement, what's more after each operation in Install Tool (or Extension Manager) the file is completely to original syntax (so we need to change it again and again...
Have you guys any workaround for this? Or this is just... impossible to do?
Got it! :)
The answer is: typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php
if this file exists it's included automatically, to overwrite some values we need to use well-known syntax ie.:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['database'] = 'my_local_database';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['host'] = 'localhost';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['username'] = 'username';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['password'] = 'mypassword';
From "What's new" SlideShare (page 33)