I really need some help, because I'm very new to iOS and Phonegap developing and all topics on my Xcode-warning I could find were about Objective-C.
As my app is mainly written with Cordova (Phonegap) these solutions aren't really helpful.
So, what is there to tell:
I have a simple start screen, where you can start a barcode-scanner. The result (which in the end is always an url) should be displayed in the inAppBrowser of cordova.
If I call the window.open()
with "_self" it works, but then it is very difficult to get back to the startscreen, as far as I found out.
So I wanted to call the url with the inAppBrowser so there is a "Done" button, but Xcode screams:
"Warning: Attempt to present <CDVInAppBrowserViewController: 0x1ed97060> on <MainViewController: 0x1ed64730> while a presentation is in progress!"
Here the JavaScript code where I'm calling the window.open() function...
function demoScan() {
try {
var scanned = scan();
} catch (e) {
alert('scan failed');
function scan() {
var scanner = window.cordova.require("cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner");
scanner.scan( function (result) {
var ref = window.open(encodeURI(result.text),'_blank','location=yes');
function (error) {
("Scanning failed: " + error);
In the end, I only need a (simple) solution, to get back to the start page "index.html" when I'm on the Webpage the Barcode scanner is calling. If it is through the inAppBrowser or with a self-coded "back" button in the WebView, I really don't care.
Thanks in advance! :)
Okay, I found the answer. You have to set a timeout before calling the inAppBrowser:
setTimeout( function() {
var ref = window.open(encodeURI(result.text),'_blank','location=no');
}, 500);
Apparently iOS needs some time to end whatever it was doing, before it can start the inAppBrowser. In Android it works without the timeout.