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XSLT: pass value from one for-each match to the next

I'm using the following to match all <section>s with a revision attribute set. <section>can appear at many different levels of the document tree, always contained within <chapter>s.

<xsl:for-each select="//section[@revision]">
    <!-- Do one thing if this is the first section 
           matched in this chapter -->

    <!-- Do something else if this section is in the same 
           chapter as the last section matched -->

As the comments say, I need to make each for-each iteration aware of the chapter to which the previous matched section belonged. I know that <xsl:variable>s are actually static once set, and that <xsl:param> only applies to calling templates.

This being Docbook, I can retreive a section's chapter number with:

<xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::chapter[1]" mode="label.markup" />

but I think it can be done with purely XPath.

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • Not sure if I unterstood your requirements 100%, but…

    <xsl:variable name="sections" select="//section[@revision]" />
    <xsl:for-each select="$sections">
      <xsl:variable name="ThisPos" select="position()" />
      <xsl:variable name="PrevMatchedSection" select="$sections[$ThisPos - 1]" />
        <xsl:when test="
          <!-- Do one thing if this is the first section 
               matched in this chapter -->
          <!-- Do something else if this section is in the same 
               chapter as the last section matched -->

    However, I suspect this whole thing can be solved more elegantly with a <xsl:template> / <xsl:apply-templates> approach. But without seeing your input and expected output this is hard to say.