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Unstructured MongoDB collections with mgo

I'm VERY new to Go. From what I've seen in the examples of mGo, in order to query a collection and then read from it, you have to predefine the data that will be coming back in a struct.

type Person struct {
    ID        bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    Name      string
    Phone     string
    Timestamp time.Time

In PHP, the document was assigned to an array. This was perfect as one record may have completely different set of keys (may not contain Name or Phone but contain Email) and I could access it directly without setting up a predefined class / struct / variable.

Is there a way to do the same in Go / mGo?


  • There are multiple ways you can handle this.

    Using a map:

    var m bson.M
    err := collection.Find(nil).One(&m)
    for key, value := range m {
        fmt.Println(key, value)

    Note that there's nothing special about bson.M as far as mgo is concerned. It's just a map[string]interface{} type, and you can define your own map types and use them with mgo, even if they have a different value type.

    Using a document slice:

    The bson.D is a slice that is internally known to mgo, and it exists both to offer a more efficient mechanism and to offer a way to preserve the ordering of keys, which is used by MongoDB in some circumstances (for example, when defining indexes).

    For example:

    var d bson.D
    err := collection.Find(nil).One(&d)
    for i, elem := range d {
        fmt.Println(elem.Name, elem.Value)

    Using an ,inline map field

    The ,inline bson flag can also be used in a map field, so that you can have your cake and eat it too. In other words, it enables using a struct so that manipulating known fields is convenient, and at the same time allows dealing with unknown fields via the inline map.

    For example:

    type Person struct {
        ID        bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
        Name      string
        Phone     string
        Extra     bson.M `bson:",inline"`