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Taking out bits of CSVs

I am new to programming and I have a bunch of CSV files that are about 50 to 60 rows each. After an unspecified amount of rows, there is a string called 'NAME' in the second column. I want to take everything in the second column after 'NAME' and print it to a text file. I initially thought to use pandas and skiprows to do this however the problem is that each csv I run through will have 'NAME' in a different row. Also, if it helps, there is a blank line three rows before 'NAME' in every CSV.

header, header   
header, header                           
N3,Tee, random stuff
N4,Polo, random stuff

Count   17      
H1,Thing, random stuff   

I would also like to not have repeats in the text file because I will be running through around 1000 CSVs in a directory. Here is a bit of code that I started out with and is where i got stuck.

import pandas as pd
import csv
import glob

fns = glob.glob('*.csv') #goes through every CSV file in director
for csv in fns:
    prod_df = pd.read_csv(csv, skiprows=???)
    with open (os.path.join('out', fn), 'wb') as f:
        w = csv.writer(f)
        test_alias = prod_df['NAME'].unique()

I know it doesn't work, and is probably not a very good bit of code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!


  • Assuming that NAME only occurs one time you could use get_loc

    import pandas as pd
    import glob
    fn = 'out.csv'
    fns = glob.glob('*.csv') #goes through every CSV file in director
    colname = 'ITEM'
    rowname = 'NAME'
    for csv in fns:
        s = pd.read_csv(csv, usecols=[colname], squeeze=True, skiprows=7, header=0)
        row_idx = pd.Index(s).get_loc(rowname)
        sub_items = s[row_idx + 1:]
        pd.Series(sub_items.unique()).to_csv(fn, mode='a')

    EDIT: Explanation

    usecols only reads in the column you need, i.e., ITEM

    squeeze=True returns a Series

    get_loc returns the index of its argument

    You said you wanted everything after 'NAME', so the index is row_idx + 1

    mode='a' appends to a single csv file (called out.csv), if you want to write to individual csv files then you should adjust your code accordingly