Hi,I saw someone calculate venn diagram overlap p-value as in the following example. They use hypergeometric distribution and R. When I apply their function in R, I just cannot get the same results. Can anyone help me about this?
The sample I saw in someone else's publication:
From 15220 genes, set A is 1850+195 genes, set B is 195+596 genes, overlap is 195 genes. Their p value is 2e-26.
Their method is: given a total of N genes, if gene sets A and B contain m and n genes, respectively, and k of them are in common, then the p-value of enrichment is calculated by:
p = Σ (m,i)(N-m,n-i)/(N,n)
for i
from k
to min(m,n)
, where "(m,i)
" represent a binomial form.
And the way I'm using R is:
I got NaN
Or using: phyper(195,1850+195,15220-1850-195,596+195)
, I got 1.
I also refer from link http://www.pangloss.com/wiki/VennSignificance but when I caculate
1 - phyper(448,1000,13800,2872)
in R, I got 0 instead 1.906314e-81 of the link.
I am completely new to R and statistic, sorry for post many mistakes here.
Using package gmp
, and replacing choose
with chooseZ
, we can implement you p-value as:
enrich_pvalue <- function(N, A, B, k)
m <- A + k
n <- B + k
i <- k:min(m,n)
as.numeric( sum(chooseZ(m,i)*chooseZ(N-m,n-i))/chooseZ(N,n) )
> enrich_pvalue(15220, 1850, 596, 195)
[1] 1.91221e-18
Using the example in your pangloss link (with your notation), we get:
> enrich_pvalue(N=14800, A=1000-448, B=2872-448, k=448)
[1] 7.289388e-81