Let's say I have a Concurrent Map that is high-read, low-write, and needs to store application data:
ConcurrentMap<UUID, Data> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Data>();
Then, during startup and through user input, data is added to the map:
public void createData(Data newData) {
map.put(newId, newData); // etc...
If I then need to change the data, should I:
A) Make the Data class objects immutable, and then conduct a put operation every time a change is needed for a Data object:
public void changeData(UUID oldId, Foo newInfo) {
Data oldData = map.get(oldId);
Data newData = new Data(oldData, newInfo); // Constructor for demo only
B) Make the Data class objects mutable yet thread-safe with volatile fields, atomic references or final concurrent fields, and simply modify the object as needed:
public void changeData(UUID oldId, Foo newInfo) {
Data data = map.get(id);
C) None of the above
A) is the better option, for two reasons:
) works against you in this case.ConcurrentHashMap