I'm trying to create a project using the BitNami Django stack. I am new to Django, BitNami, Python, and Mac terminal. When I attempt the following command:
bash-3.2$ django-admin.py startproject MySite
I receive the following error:
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted
I changed the permissions of the current working folder (my PyCharm projects folder) to be read/write for everyone, but still no luck.
How can I resolve this error and create my project?
Turns out I was attempting to create my project in the wrong folder.
If you're using the BitNami Mac App Store version, as I was, projects must be created in the following location:
More details about creating projects using the App Store version of the BitNami Django stack can be found here. If you're not using the App Store version, or are running the Windows or Linux version, you can find more details on creating your project here.
(And, for reference' sake, the thread wherein my problem was resolved can be found here.)