From this documentation it is not clear whether it is possible to build an executable that uses shared libraries once Qt (> 5.0) has been rebuilt in static mode.
I need to build both executables that use shared libraries and executables which are usable without them. Do I need to have two separate installations of Qt for that, or is it possible to use a flag to specify the desired behaviour?
Is it possible to configure QtCreator for this purpose?
Platform: Windows 7, MinGW32/GCC 4.8
I am currently using Qt on Windows 7 in the (almost) exact configuration as you described. Only thing is that you will have to create 2 different compilation Kits for each purpose.
For static compile I have mingw32 compiler and for shared compile I have MSVC2010 32 bit SDK.
EDIT: Yes I have a statically built version of Qt 4.8.4 (qmake) and I have a Qt 5.0.0 MSVC2010 32bit (SDK) (normally built). I have created 2 separate 'Kits' using these two versions and having different compilers as mentioned. You need to include the following line to the .pro file. It gets ignored during shared build.
#CONFIG += staticlib