I have a set a jQuery UI tabs that pull in a multitude of information. On one of those tabs is a table. In the table, I have a click event on one of the columns. When the user clicks on that column, an event is supposed to execute some code and then programatically change a tab selection.
I've used an "on" function for the click event, since the table does not yet exist at the time the DOM originally renders. I can interact with the Ajax-created data, but I'm not able to update the tab selection. Can someone please explain to me what's going on?
Here's my click event:
$("#summaryTable td").live("click",function() {
var myCol = $(this).index();
if (myCol == 0) {
var $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var myRow = $tr.index();
selectedStoreTab = $.trim($(this).html());
lastSelectedStoreTab = selectedStoreTab;
var tabDivSelector = "#tab-container-" + selectedMarketTab;
var tabSelector = "#tab-" + selectedStoreTab;
var index = $(tabDivSelector + " a[href='" + tabSelector + "']").parent().index(); // Gets the index correctly!
$(tabDivSelector).tabs( "select", index ); // Doesn't set the tab!
I've validated that the index gets set properly in Firebug and that the DIV is named correctly. The index just isn't being applied to the tab set and I cannot figure out why. I've also tried "live" and "delegate" in place of "on" with no success.
I placed the bind event in a function and called the function on document load and again after the AJAX called completed, therefore reinitializing the click event on the tabs and content.