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I Want to access Selected Class or Interface When Right Click to project after add in new item to vs 2010

I do this Code:

   `public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
                _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;

                if(connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_UISetup)
                    object[] contextGUIDS = new object[] { };
                    Commands2 commands = (Commands2)_applicationObject.Commands;

                    CommandBar SECommandBar = ((CommandBars)_applicationObject.CommandBars)["Context Menus"];
                    CommandBarPopup SEPopUps = (CommandBarPopup)SECommandBar.Controls["Project and Solution Context Menus"];
                    CommandBarPopup oCommandBar = (CommandBarPopup)SEPopUps.Controls["Project"];

                    CommandBarControl oControl = (CommandBarControl)
                      System.Reflection.Missing.Value, 1, true);
                    // Set the caption of the menuitem
                    oControl.Caption = "Create Documentation";

                     oSubMenuItemHandler = _applicationObject.Events.get_CommandBarEvents(oControl) as CommandBarEventsClass;
                    oSubMenuItemHandler.Click+=new _dispCommandBarControlEvents_ClickEventHandler(oSubMenuItemHandler_Click);

 protected void oSubMenuItemHandler_Click(object CommandaBarControl,ref bool handled, ref bool cancelDefault)
// I Want to access object of selected class or interface

I'm Develop Add In to reflect all data of class in vs 2010. Please I want to access selected class or Interface to Reflect all member data. any one help me


  • You can get the active Project as described here, then get its ProjectItems and for each ProjectItem its FileCodeModel and then iterate over its CodeElements with Kind= vsCMElementInterface to get the Interfaces defined there


    // Container for results
    List<string> classes = new List<string> ();
    List<string> interfaces = new List<string> ();
    // Get selected projects from solution explorer
    Array projects = (Array)_applicationObject.ActiveSolutionProjects;
    // Get all ProjectItems inside of the selected Projects
    var projectItems = projects
        .OfType<Project> ()
        .Where ( p => p.ProjectItems != null )
        .SelectMany ( p => p.ProjectItems.OfType<ProjectItem> ().Where ( pi => pi.FileCodeModel != null ) );
    // Iterate over all of these ProjectItems 
    foreach ( ProjectItem projectItem in projectItems )
        // Get all of the CodeElements (Interfaces and Classes) inside of the current ProjectItem (recursively)
        var elements = projectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElements
            .OfType<CodeElement> ()
            .SelectMany ( ce => this.GetCodeElements ( ce ) );
        // Do something with the CodeElements that were found
        classes.AddRange ( elements.Where ( el => el.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass ).Select ( el => el.Name ) );
        interfaces.AddRange ( elements.Where ( el => el.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementInterface).Select ( el => el.Name ) );
    // Possible implementation of GetCodeElements:
    private IEnumerable<CodeElement> GetCodeElements ( CodeElement root )
        List<CodeElement> result = new List<CodeElement> ();
        if ( root == null )
            return result;
        // If the current CodeElement is an Interface or a class, add it to the results
        if ( root.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass || root.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementInterface )
            result.Add ( root );
        // Check children recursively
        if ( root.Children != null && root.Children.Count > 0 )
            foreach ( var item in root.Children.OfType<CodeElement> () )
                result.AddRange ( this.GetCodeElements ( item ) );