Im developing an "share on facebook" button.
But there is a problem, the facebook dialog is not prompted to the user.
I have tried the sample that titanium provide:
function facebook(){
var fb = require('facebook');
var data = {
link : "",
name : "Appcelerator Titanium Mobile",
message : "Checkout this cool open source project for creating apps",
caption : "Appcelerator Titanium Mobile",
picture : "",
description : "You've got the ideas, now you've got the power."
fb.dialog("feed", data, function(e) {
var toast = Ti.UI.createNotification({
if(e.success && e.result)
toast.message = "Success! New Post ID: " + e.result;
else {
toast.message = e.error;
toast.message = "User canceled dialog.";
The function is called correctly, but nothing appear.
Someone knows why? Maybe permissions? But i have read that for the dialog aren't required permissions!
thanks to all
I solved by myself! Even if the Facebook Dialog not Require the Auth(), it require the init with an AppID.
var fb = require('facebook');
fb.appid = your_app_id_number;
With this worked very well.