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acts_as_ferret multi model search not working in rails app

I am trying to solve a strange issue with ferret/acts_as_ferret

Of course I have googled and posted the question:

Basically aaf works on single models with no issue. It also works on single models using the config/aaf.rb file I have setup. It even works when I do a multi-model search in the console, but within the rails app itself I get:

undefined method `ferret_rank=' for <object that has a match>

If anyone has had the same experience/problem and can shed any light I would appreciate it.

PS: I followed the following tutorial to get where I am now.


  • Do you have the plugin installed or just the gem? You might want to install the plugin.

    I would also try rebuilding the index.

    For my purposes, I switched to Solr and life is a lot easier. Sphinx is missing a lot of stuff that I need.