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Laravel class Alias and facade not matching the actual file name

I'm trying to find path location of Redirect class. Its facade return 'redirect' in getFacadeAccessor method.

<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

class Redirect extends Facade {

 * Get the registered name of the component.
 * @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'redirect'; }


However I found that the real file responsible for this class definition is the 'Redirector.php'. I can't find any where that alias 'Redirect' to 'Redirector' class so I am wondering how Laravel know about Redirector class is actually the Redirect component of container?


  • Have a look inside /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/RoutingServiceProvider.php. It contains a class RoutingServiceProvider that has a method registerRedirector().

    That's where a new Redirector instance is injected into $app['redirect']. This can then be accessed via the Redirect facade you mentioned in your question.