I am trying to add a custom sound to at push notification with PushSharp, but I can't find any documentation about this. I am using a windows service in C#, and every thing worked with default sound. But when I use this code I either get default sound og no sound.
push.QueueNotification(new AppleNotification()
I have the sound file included in the C# project, and also included in the iOS app project.
What do I need to do to make it work? Is it something about filetypes?
I have never used PushSharp, but the normal way of adding sounds to Push notification is to simple specify the full filename, as you do. Are you sure the sound name is correct and the file is available in the app?
You can try scheduling a local push notification with the sound by calling a method like:
+(void)scheduleNotificationForDate:(NSDate*)date withMessage:(NSString*)message andOKButtonTitle:(NSString*)buttonTitle andPayLoad:(NSMutableDictionary*)dic andSoundName:(NSString*)soundName
UILocalNotification *not =[[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
not.fireDate = date;
not.alertBody = message;
not.alertAction = buttonTitle;
not.soundName = soundName;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:not];