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How to load rpt file using c# in visual studio 2010?

Am using visual studio 2010 and trying to load a rpt file. I have used the following code.

ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
rpt.Load("E:\\Crystal reports docs\\Crystal Reports samples\\Crosstab report");

Then I used isLoaded() function to check whether it is loaded.

When I compile the program, it keeps on running.

Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance!!!!


  • Here is the sample code how to load a crystal report (.rpt) file that is saved on a local drive instead of embedded. The advantage to this is the program does not need to be re-compiled each time a report is modified. Also, the .rpt can be upload from the application and stored in a database and then written to file. Do not embed the .rpt file when using this method.

    using System;using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
    namespace Report
        public partial class Report : Document    
            public void ReportLoad()    
                ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument();       
                string filePath = "C:\Projects\Application\Report\CrystalReport.rpt";                
                crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = reportDocument; 

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    How do I load external Crystal Reports (2008) files in c#?