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mysql load_file from client

I want to insert a HTML file, which has lots of SQL meta characters (e.g. single quotes) that I do not want to escape manually, into a MySQL table.

I though I could make the mysql client load file contents into a variable and simply insert that variable, something along these lines:

set @result_text = load_file('/tmp/results.html');
INSERT INTO election_results (election_id, result) VALUES (17, @result_text);

However, the documentation of load_file says, that it loads the file on the server, and not on the client. And that doesn't work for me.

Hence my question: How to make the mysql client load a file into a variable?

NB: These do not apply here, as they mention that load_file works on the server only. That I know.


  • i've passed over that Error 1084 by using:

    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/results.html'
    INTO TABLE election_results
        TERMINATED BY '\Z'
        ESCAPED BY ''
        TERMINATED BY ''
    SET election_id = 17

    please notice the '\Z' as field terminator.