I've looked through a lot of issues like this but none seem to correspond to my issue, which is:
I have a Rails app that contains events. Event is a model that has attributes for start date (Date field), start time (Time) and end time (Time). When I created them, I didn't convert any of the entered dates to UTC based times (all times local).
I'm trying to find out if the event is over. I've added a few methods to my model that should help with this, but because I'm comparing Apples (non-UTC) to Oranges (UTC) time. I'm running into a brick wall.
Because I'm mixing Date and Times, I've added the following methods to my Event model:
def date_start_time
return DateTime.new(self.date.year, self.date.month, self.date.day, self.start_time.hour, self.start_time.min, self.start_time.sec)
def date_end_time
return DateTime.new(self.date.year, self.date.month, self.date.day, self.end_time.hour, self.end_time.min, self.end_time.sec)
def in_past
logger.debug 'comparing end time: ' + self.date_end_time.to_s + ' to the current time: ' + DateTime.now.to_s
self.date_end_time <= DateTime.now
I'm loading an event in Rails Console that should end in a few minutes, but I'm getting a true to in_past:
1.9.3-p194 :020 > event.in_past
comparing end time: 2013-08-19T20:38:00+00:00 to the current time: 2013-08-19T20:37:22-05:00
=> true
I've tried adding .zone to my DateTime.now, but that makes it worse it seems. I feel like I've tried every combination of Zone options here and really I'd just prefer to ignore time zones since all events are currently local.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
The quick solution to this is add timezone to rails config (application.rb) like this
config.time_zone = '<your local timezone>'
You can get all the available timezones by
#rake time:zones:all