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MySQL Normalize or Denormalize

I'm building a PHP app to prefill third party PDF account forms with client data, and am getting stuck on the database design.

The current form has about 70 fields, which seems like far too many to set up as individual columns, especially as some (ie company/trust information) are not relevant depending on the type of account the client requires.

I've tried to normalize but it seems like there would be a lot of joins, and also require several sub queries for things like multiple addresses.

It also means a ton of extra queries to check if rows exist or not when updating to decide if the script needs to do an INSERT, a DELETE or an UPDATE, whereas if it was all in one row, it would basically just be an UPDATE each time.

Not sure if this helps but here is a list of most of the fields:

id, account_type, account_phone, account_email, account_designation, account_adviser, account_source, account_complete, account_residential_unit_number, account_residential_street_number, account_residential_street_name, account_residential_street_type, account_residential_suburb, account_residential_state, account_residential_postcode, account_postal_unit_number, account_postal_street_number, account_postal_street_name, account_postal_street_type, account_postal_suburb, account_postal_state, account_postal_postcode, individual_1_title, individual_1_firstname, individual_1_middlename, individual_1_lastname, individual_1_dob, individual_1_occupation, individual_1_email, individual_1_phone, individual_1_unit_number, individual_1_street_number, individual_1_street_name, individual_1_street_type, individual_1_suburb, individual_1_state, individual_1_postcode, individual_2_title, individual_2_firstname, individual_2_middlename, individual_2_lastname, individual_2_dob, individual_2_occupation, individual_2_email, individual_2_phone, individual_2_unit_number, individual_2_street_number, individual_2_street_name, individual_2_street_type, individual_2_suburb, individual_2_state, individual_2_postcode, company_name, company_date, company_unit_number, company_street_number, company_street_name, company_street_type, company_suburb, company_state, company_postcode, trust_name, trust_date, settlement_bank, settlement_account, settlement_bsb

The most this will need to handle is around 200,000 applications, and once the data is in the database, it won't change very often, if at all - not sure if that is relevant?

So really just wanted to figure out the smartest way to do design this, even if it's just a name or topic to research further.


  • Generally speaking you can divide a database into two broad categories:

    1. OLTP Systems

      Online Transaction Processing Systems are normally write intensive i.e. a lot of updates compared to the reads of the data. This system is typically a day to day application used by a business users of all scopes i.e. data capture, admin etc. These databases are usually normalized to the extreme and then certain demoralized for performance gains in certain areas.

    2. OLAP/DSS system:

      On Line Analytic Processing are database that are normally large data warehouse like systems. Used to support Analytic activities such as data mining, data cubes etc. Typically the information is used by a more limited set of users than OLTP. These database are normally very denormalised.

    Go read here for a short description of these and the main differences. OLTP VS OLAP

    Regarding your INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE point go read about the MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement which will resolve that issue for you easily. It is called a MERGE operation in most database systems.

    Now I dont understand why you are worried about JOINS. I have had tables with millions (500 000 000+) rows that I joined with other tables also large in size and the queries ran very fast. So designing a database to eliminate joins is NOT a good idea.

    My suggestion is:

    If designing a OLTP system normalise as much as possible then denormalise to increase performance where needed. For A OLAP system look at star schemas etc and dont even bother with normalizing it first. Oh by the way most of the OLAP systems normally use a OLTP system as a data source.