when I was working with thix thix ix all fine it ix showing all the subfolder and than subfolders of the subfolders
function listFolderFiles($dir){
$Folders = scandir($dir);
echo '<ol>';
foreach($folders as $subFolders){
if($subFolders != '.' && $subFolders != '..'){
echo '<li>'.$subFolders;
if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$subFolder)) listFolderFiles($dir.'/'.$subFolders);
echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
but when i changed the code a little bit to check whether any folder is writable than it gave me nothing neither an error nor shown the results.. at the line
if($subFolders != '.' && $subFolders != '..'){
echo '<li>'.$subFolders.' is witeable :) ';
You're close, but missing the full file name. Need the $dir.'/'.
part (the parent path):