I'm pretty new in the javascript testing world and I'm having problems implementing some in my hottowel application. Most of the examples that I found online don't go as far as testing amd/require and the ones about amd/require don't show some other stuff.
I'm trying to test my vm by passing a mock service, let's say...
define(['services/dataService'], function (dataService) { function activate() { dataService.returnSomething(); } });
Can someone point me in the right direction (ideally a concrete example) on how to achieve this? Any test framework and mock library is ok.
I'm currently using jasmine to unit test my viewmodels.
With Jasmine you have an HTML page that executes all your ViewModels. It allows you to mock out functions. The page I linked to, contains a complete description of what you can do with Jasmine.
var dataService = Require("services/dataService");
spyOn(dataService , 'returnSomething').andReturn("something");
// execute the system under test here