I have a Rails app where on the home
page home/index.html.erb
, I show a partial for the model workorders
. It currently defaults to the home_controleer.rb
with the action index
Can I select the workorders_controller.rb
and action index2
I tried this in the home/index.html.erb
view file:
<%= render :partial => "workorders/index7", :controller => "workorders", :action => "index2" %>
But it's not working.
Try this instead:
<%= render :template => "workorders/index2" %>
source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6051812/2128691
edit: in response to your last comment...
I haven't really worked with bootstrap, but maybe you could do something like this [pseudocode]:
def home
if [x condition]
redirect_to index_seven_path
render :action => [y action]