Is it possible to remove or hide (hide to allow mouse wheeling) a scroll bar within a custom mIRC window. The verticle scrollbar to be specific.
If you look to the very right of the picture you see the scrollbar.
Is there a way to remove it?
Yes, it can be removed.
I put together this AHK script that will hide the scrollbar in mIRC, and will keep it hidden even after resizing the window, as well as minimizing and restoring the window.
Load this up in autohotkey and it will start working once you click on a channel or anything in the switchbar.
MouseGetPos, , , , OutputVarControl
if (OutputVarControl = "mIRC_SwitchBar1" or OutputVarControl = "ScrollBar1")
WinWait, ahk_class mIRC
Control, Style, Hide, ScrollBar1
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Channel1
ControlMove, mIRC_Channel1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Query1
ControlMove, mIRC_Query1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Status1
ControlMove, mIRC_Status1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,y, Width,Height, ListBox1
ControlMove, ListBox1, (x - 18),, ,
else if (OutputVarControl = "MSTaskListWClass1")
sleep, 500
if WinActive("ahk_class mIRC"){
WinWait, ahk_class mIRC
Control, Style, Hide, ScrollBar1
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_class mIRC
WinMove, ahk_class mIRC, , , , (W + 18),,
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_class mIRC
WinMove, ahk_class mIRC, , , , (W - 18),,
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Channel1
ControlMove, mIRC_Channel1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Query1
ControlMove, mIRC_Query1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,, Width,, mIRC_Status1
ControlMove, mIRC_Status1, ,, (Width + 18)
ControlGetPos, x,y, Width,Height, ListBox1
ControlMove, ListBox1, (x - 18),, ,
Assumes you use mIRC with one window maximized at a time inside the mIRC client like this. But you can have as many channels/query windows open, the script can handle switching between them.