I use STS 3.3.0 with roo 1.2.4. this one use GWT 2.5.0
When I database reverse engineer my database some fields are typed "BigDecimal", mainly amount on financial accounts. When I want to build using mvn gwt:run , I got a build failure due to the following error:
[ERROR] BigDecimalBox cannot be resolved to a type
After search in google I've found that GWT manage the BigDecimal since 2.1.
Any Clue?
Weird, there is no class with that name in the namespace you point (com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ValueBox) in fact there is no BigDecimalBox
in the gwt-2.5.1 library.
Implement it in your project and change imports to match the namespace you use for it.
public class BigDecimalBox extends ValueBox<BigDecimal> {
public BigDecimalBox() {
super(Document.get().createTextInputElement(), BigDecimalRenderer.instance(),