The title might be a bit misleading. I have the following problem: I have a tree consisting of leaves and internal nodes. The user should be able to store any information in the leaves and the tree has some methods which get a set of user-defined values and need to access the corresponding leaves in constant time (not amortized).
I came up with the following idea but it does not work because unfortunately I cannot access private members of a nested class: The user creates the tree and also for each leaf an instance of UserElement
which contains the user_defined value for the corresponding leaf. Once a method like doSomethingWithTheTree(list>) is called and the tree is built, the tree creates the corresponding leaves and saves it in the private field leaf
. Whenever the user wants to call a method with some of the leaves corresponding to its user_defined values, he/she just has to call the method by giving the corresponding UserElement
s and the tree can retrieve the corresponding leaves in constant time.
class Tree {
template <typename T>
class UserElement {
T user_value;
tree_node* leaf; // this has to be private for
// everyone outside the class `Tree`
T getInf() {
return user_value;
void setInf(T i) {
user_value = i;
void doSomethingWithTheTree(list<UserElement<T>> elements) {
// I want to be able to access elem.leaf for all elements
Technically, that's a nested class (declared within another class), not a subclass (which inherits from its superclass).
You can allow the Tree class to access its privates by making it a friend:
class UserElement {
friend class Tree;
// ...
or, for better encapsulation, you could restrict access only to the member function(s) that need it, although it gets a bit messy due to the need to declare things in the right order:
class Tree {
// Declare this so we can declare the function
template <typename T> class UserElement;
// Declare this before defining `UserElement` so we can use it
// in the friend declaration
template <typename T>
void doSomethingWithTheTree(list<UserElement<T>> elements) {
template <typename T>
class UserElement {
// Finally, we can declare it a friend.
friend void Tree::doSomethingWithTheTree<T>(list<UserElement<T>>);
// ...