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Rails: I want Server Sent Events. Do I have to drop Phusion Passenger?

We currently have a rails 3 app (in the process of upgrading to rails 4) and I want to start using the ActionController::Live to play with Server Sent Events for some real time updates to our users.

My question is does this new functionality work with Phusion Passenger out of the box? Everything I read is using puma, rainbows or thin. I love how easy Passenger is for our deployment, I'd even be tempted to buy the enterprise version but not if it's going to require me configuring everything to get this working. If I have to configure everything I might as well go with an open source option.


  • Server Side Events works great on Phusion Passenger. I wrote a demo for you. Check out

    Hongli Lai,
    Phusion CTO
    Phusion Passenger developer