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(rails) validating URL help with regexp

i'm using the following to verify if a URL is formatted validly:

validates_format_of :website, :with => URI::regexp(%w(http https))

however, it doesn't work when the url doesn't start with http:// or https://. Is there some similar way to validate URLs with URI::regexp (or URI) and make it include valid URLs that don't start with http://? (For example, is valid, as is


  • This post on Daring Fireball provides a robust regex:


    A more recent post improves on it (N.B. newlines and indentation added here for clarity; see the post for an even more expanded version with explanations):


    From my tests URL::regexp is to loose in its definition of a URI (though it does require http…).

    You can use a virtual attribute or before_save filter to append a http:// to your URLs if necessary.