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CKEditor Image Upload

I am looking to include CKEditor in a project I am working on and I need the image upload support provided by the CKFinder plugin, however I do not particularly need the rest of the CKFinder tool and thus purchasing a license is a little overkill. Has anyone taken the time to implement a custom image uploader for CKEditor 3 that will work with ASP.NET MVC? If need be I can create my own, just wanted to check here first.

Alternatively, does anyone know of a decent WYSIWYG editor on par with CKEditor / Cute Editor that supports image uploading and will work in ASP.NET MVC?


  • Here is a image uploader I originally wrote in ASP.NET WebForms for Fckeditor (hence the theme no longer matches), that I've modified to work with Ckeditor.

    Update: I've now added an example showing how you can add this WebForms image uploader to a MVC project.

    Update 2: I've now added a Razor Pages version which can be used in .NET Core MVC projects.