PayOff is an abstract base class and CallPayOff and PutPayOff derive from it. The call operator is defined as a pure virtual function in base class and CallPayOff and PutPayoff provide their own implementations.
vector<PayOff*> v;
v.push_back(new CallPayOff(20));
v.push_back(new PutPayOff(20));
vector<double> payVals;
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(payVals), bind2nd(mem_fun(&PayOff::operator()),this));
Call operator is defined as:
class PayOff
virtual double operator()(double spot)const = 0;
virtual ~PayOff(){}
Can anyone please take a look? Boost/C++11 is not an option.
You don't say what you expect the transform
to do; presumably it's to invoke each PayOff
object on some value. In that case the functor should be:
or, for those not stuck in the past,
[=](PayOff* p){(*p)(some_value;}}
bind(&PayOff::operator(), _1, some_value);
You are instead trying to bind to this
which, in a global function, doesn't exist. In a member function, it would exist, but wouldn't make sense as an argument to a functor that expects a double